Ukrainian deaf refugees in Finland

Are you a deaf refugee from Ukraine? Have you already arrived in Finland or thinking about coming here as an asylum seeker? This webpage is for you.

Kesto: 02:48
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The Finnish Association of the Deaf (Kuurojen Liitto ry) offers support for deaf refugees from Ukraine. Our main goal is to work with the Finnish Immigration Service so that all deaf refugees from Ukraine could stay in greater Helsinki area, where access to sign language services and interpreting is better than anywhere else in Finland, making it easier for Ukrainian deaf refugees to settle in a new country.


Sivu suomeksi TÄSTÄ  /  сторінка українською мовою тут Страница на русском: в ожидании

News about Ukraine (in Finnish Sign Language)

Support and advice from the Finnish Association of the Deaf

Specialists at the Finnish Association of the Deaf offer practical support to deaf refugees from Ukraine. They also help Finnish authorities to understand the needs of deaf refugees. Mervi Nevalainen and Heli Mikkola support deaf refugees with applying for temporary protection or asylum. They also signpost deaf refugees to services with sign language access. Aliisa Lehtonen works with Finnish volunteers and helps deaf refugees to find accommodation.


Mervi Nevalainen

Henkilön toimialue Uusimaa
Henkilö ottaa vastaan puheluja Henkilö ottaa vastaan tekstiviestejä Henkilö ottaa vastaan WhatsApp-viestejä, videoviestejä ja videopuheluja
Puhelinnumero: +358 40 592 4769

Heli Mikkola

Henkilön toimialue Pirkanmaa Satakunta Varsinais-Suomi
Henkilö ottaa vastaan puheluja Henkilö ottaa vastaan tekstiviestejä Henkilö ottaa vastaan WhatsApp-viestejä, videoviestejä ja videopuheluja
Puhelinnumero: +358 400 476 127
Henkilön vastuualue Palveluohjaus Digituki

Aliisa Lehtonen

Vapaaehtoistoiminnan koordinaattori
Henkilö ei ota vastaan puheluja Henkilö ottaa vastaan tekstiviestejä Henkilö ottaa vastaan WhatsApp-viestejä, videoviestejä ja videopuheluja
Puhelinnumero: +358 44 752 5261

Integration training for deaf immigrants

The Folk High School of the Deaf is an international and multicultural school with deaf and hearing students from all over the world. It is located at the Light House in Helsinki.

We welcome deaf students from Ukraine. Integration training for deaf immigrants includes:

  • Finnish Sign Language
  • Writing and reading Finnish
  • Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
  • Citizenship and working life competence

Deaf students will also receive information about their rights to various services in sign language, such as interpreting services.

Contact person for Ukrainian deaf refugees:

Tuija Mustonen
+358 40 5487 740 (No phone calls, only text messages or WhatsApp messages / video calls in sign language)